GNS launch new website

Glasgow and North Strathclyde Badminton Group logoWe love badminton.

Our role, as one of nine regional groups of Badminton Scotland, is to support badminton for all ages and levels in our regional area.

Today we launch our new look website. This can be accessed from our new website address,

The website will become the key place to find information about upcoming competitions and the latest news for all things badminton in Glasgow and the surrounding area. Promoting events, activities, clubs and players.

The global coronavirus pandemic has brought a halt to all of our activities. The safety of our players and volunteers is our number one priority, and we will continue to follow the guidance issued from our governing body, Badminton Scotland.

Due to the national restrictions, we are unable to arrange competitions or play the sport that we love. Despite this, this downtime has provided us with an opportunity to review our channels on how we can support badminton across Glasgow area, and as a result we have had time to build our new website.

We are by no means website professionals — so do get in touch with us if you spot anything with the site that isn’t quite working. Simply email our new contact email address,

We hope you enjoy the new website, and look forward to hearing what you think of it. We cannot wait until we can get back to playing the sport we love and using this website as a key driver to share news with badminton players, supporters and fans.