Glasgow and North Strathclyde (GNS) Badminton Group support and deliver badminton for all levels in Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire, and Argyll & Bute councils areas. We represent over fifty clubs and over 1000 players of all standards. We organise competitions, coaching and events and do all we can to support badminton in our area.
Working with Badminton Scotland, nine other regional groups and the Scottish Schools Badminton Union, our aim is to support, promote and deliver quality opportunities for people to play and compete in badminton across the Glasgow area, delivering local, regional and national competitions.
Our group holds an annual general meeting at the end of each playing season, usually around April, for the purpose of electing its officials and committee members from clubs in our area.
Our group is entitled to have up two group representatives on the Badminton Scotland Council. Our convener must be one of the representatives.
Our committee
Kat will share her bio with you all soon π
Morag has been a member of the committee for about 40 years and has organised the junior tournaments and the Glasgow Championships for about 30 years.
She was President of Badminton Scotland from 2001-2003 and still serves on the Board as Chair of Events Committee.
Morag started playing badminton at the age of 5 in the village of Douglas then continued at the age of 18 at Strathclyde University when she started getting involved in organising teams and events.
She played for the group’s team for more than 10 years, but has now retired from playing β choosing instead to enjoy watching her grandchildren playing now!
Gillian joined the Glasgow & North Strathclyde Group committee more than ten years ago and has organised the Junior League ever since. The Junior League has gone from strength to strength and the numbers participating have more than doubled in this time. Gillian is passionate about the Junior League and devotes a lot of time in organising it. Gillian has previously been the group convenor.
Gillian started playing badminton when she was ten and still plays although injury and arthritis means she can’t play as often (or to the same standard) as she would like.
Outwith badminton, Gillian is a team leader for a large finance team within the public sector and this also keeps her very busy.
John joined the Glasgow & North Strathclyde Badminton Group in 2015 and has been involved in many areas of the groups work. Just now his main job is to organise the group’s junior teams.
John is also active out with the group as the secretary of Scotstoun Junior Badminton Club.
John says “The group lets me get on with the job and everyone helps each other with little of the normal committee hassle, so Iβd recommend it to anyone want to volunteer to help the sport.β
Lewis manages our senior group teams. He will share his bio soon

Jim joined the Committee around 2016, although he has been involved in organising and playing badminton for nearly 60 years.
He has been the Treasurer of Glasgow & District Churches Badminton Association since 1973 and is now the Secretary/Treasurer.
With Glasgow & North Strathclyde, he has been heavily involved in the events held for Social and Disabled athletes and has encouraged the use of Tournament Software at various group events.
Alison will share her bio soon πΒ
Danny will share his bio with you all soon π
Gillian is a Target Sports Development Officer for Glasgow Sport with the remit for Badminton. As the liaison between the G&NS Group and Glasgow Life, Gillian works to secure internal funding which supports the groups delivery of events, competitions, volunteer training and recruitment as well as access to venues and programme marketing. A key priority for Gillian is providing support to clubs across the city and ensuring a player pathway from Glasgow Sports badminton participation and development programmes into club and G&NS opportunities to ensure the recruitment and retention of players into the sport.
Badminton is one of the two sport Gillian leads of the development of alongside Basketball. Badminton is not Gillian’s Sport (neither is basketball) but the inheritance onto her Job remit approx 4 years ago has allowed her to enjoy the challenge of learning and developing the internal structures within Badminton and applying her experience and knowledge of supporting the development other sports in Glasgow. The most enjoyable part of her role is supporting the work of the G&NS Group which is made up of passionate, skilled and committed volunteers who collectively create opportunities for Glasgow and surrounding area citizens to experience and enjoy badminton for all ages and abilities.
Jack is the liaison between our group and Badminton Scotland. As a Regional Development Officer, he works to support clubs, aiming to increase badminton participation and developing coaches and volunteers.
Lyman will share her bio soon.