On Monday 30 August, we held the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Glasgow & North Strathclyde (G&NS) Badminton Group.
Although originally intended to be held in person, a decision was made to move this to a virtual meeting. As well as committee members, we were joined by representatives from SAPC Badminton Club, Cadder Badminton Club and the Glasgow Chinese Badminton Club.
The following appointments were made to the committee:
- Group Convenor — Katrina Merilees
- Group Secretary — Keegan Friel
- Treasurer — Morag McCulloch
- Ordinary members — Gillian Allan, Lisa Buik, John Craig, Rebekka Findlay, Paul Geri, Gordon McCrae, Jim McCulloch, Alison Smith, Danny Smith, Coral Stone.
You can keep up to date with activities from the group by visiting our website or social media channels — Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.