Glasgow Schools Badminton Association forms part of the SSBU (Scottish Schools Badminton Group) which has a similar remit to the other Badminton Scotland groups including Glasgow & North Strathclyde. The SSBU organises competitions, selects competitive teams across both primary and secondary schools in Scotland. Competitions, typically two a season per year group are found in the Badminton Scotland event calendar
Glasgow Schools Badminton Association promotes badminton in Glasgow schools by running individual, school and select team competitions across the city. All events are restricted to players attending Glasgow schools. In a normal season Glasgow Schools enter inter-area competitions at primary, u14, u16 and u18 level and the annual Schools Anglo-Scottish competition held at the National Sport Centre in Largs.
All of these events are supported by our group. The chair of Glasgow Schools Badminton Association is Craig Robertson.
It is worth noting that in our area we are lucky to have the Glasgow School of Sport at Bellahouston Academy which educates many of our top young players in the normal curriculum alongside badminton. All of their badminton coaches are heavily involved in the work of the group.